Friday, May 25, 2012

God’s plan is always the best plan, isn't it?

David is desperate, “a step away from death”, but God has given him perhaps the greatest friend of all time. Despite the dangers of meeting, they find each other and through the dangers and complexities of the situation, their friendship is strengthened. They even make a covenant before the Lord.
Jonathan demonstrates uncommon faith. He puts God’s plan before his own, security, before his own family, before his own honor even before his own life. All things his father was not willing to do. This is the last time we will see Jonathan for a while but he leaves the narrative as an amazingly loyal and loving friend.
They devise a plan where Jonathan will try one last time to see if there is any chance that Saul has changed his mind killing David. Unfortunately, the outcome only proves Saul’s resolve and demonstrates that he knows David is going to be the next chosen king. Saul can’t understand why Jonathan would let someone take the kingdom from him, Jonathan can’t understand why Saul would try and stand in the way of God’s plan.
In the end, Jonathan and David secretly meet one last time and grieve over the situation. Sin has broken every relationship in this story but not everyone has sinned, only Saul. Saul’s sin has broken the relationship between himself and his son, David, his daughter Michal, and certainly with God. Jonathan and David will be separated because of Saul’s sin. They depart in sorrow.

            God’s plan is always the best plan and we are foolish to think that we can change it or subvert it. We need to be humble enough to repent of our own sin, and live by God’s plan even when we don’t understand why. Jonathan followed God even when it was confusing or difficult, we can do the same.
            Sin breaks relationships, and sometimes we suffer the effects even when we are not at fault. We should be quick to repent and reconcile with others, realizing that our sin extends far beyond our personal relationship with God but also to those around us.