Monday, September 24, 2012

Please help me to live a life that is above the reproach of the watching world.

Titus, One
Oh Lord, your gospel is precious and mysterious. Thank you that your promises are true, that we can bank our lives on them and proclaim them to the world around us.
            Please help me to live a life that is above the reproach of the watching world. Help me to lead my family well. May I practice self-control in my private and public life. Give me a genuine heart for your people and for sound doctrine. May I be able to lead and teach well your commands.
            Help me oh Lord to sift through the traditions that creep into moralism. Help me to preach truth in love, expecting and living obedience but not placing my confidence in it. Help me to constantly point to your mercy and grace as the motivations for our obedience. Keep me from the legalism that so easily encroaches toward pride and self-satisfaction. May I lovingly call it what it is, and correctively teach your word rightly. May I guard myself and others against this wayward tendency. Amen.

Friday, September 21, 2012

May I fulfill the ministry you have given me.

2 Timothy Chapter Four:

Lord, help me to work hard at learning your word and bless my efforts. May I be able to preach and lead well with what you have entrusted to me. Help me to be patient in teaching and in enduring hardships. May I fulfill the ministry you have given me.

May I follow Paul’s example and finish the race strong, looking to Jesus, my Lord and Judge.

Help me to be wise, proactive, and glorifying to you even in the face of trials.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit, give me the grace needed to complete the tasks ahead. You are faithful always. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

May I love you more than anything.

Praying Through the Pastorals:
2 Timothy Chapter Three:

Lord, help me to avoid being entangled with those who love other things more than yourself. May I love you more than anything. Help me to watch out for but also protect others who are susceptible to learning or knowledge without wisdom. May I not be led astray by various passions but rather stay true to your word and your mission.

Help me to be wise in how I handle persecution as it comes my way, may I be able to endure it with patience and love. May I hold fast to the truth from you and your word and be found faithful. Help me to rely on the truth of your word and the power in the scriptures. May I learn it and live it to equip myself and others for every good work. Amen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Praying Through the Pastorals: 2 Timothy 2

2 Timothy Chapter Two:

O God, may I receive the grace you have given me. May I remember and put into practice the instruction you have given me and that has been given me by faithful men and women. May I not fear suffering or discipline but may I faithfully focus on the work you have called me to do.

Help me to remember Jesus Christ and those he came to save as motivation to endure through hardships. Help me to remember the glory that is yet to come and the warnings against faithlessness. Thanks you for always being faithful, even when I am not.

Help me to work hard, to handle your word rightly and faithfully. May I teach and practice it well as I also lead others to do the same. May none unnecessarily waver in their faith because of me. Please give me wisdom to deal with those who handle your word carelessly and who leave trouble in their wake. May all of us who are yours depart for wrong doing. Help me to lead myself and others to repentance.

Help me to be used for honorable service to you. Help me to be and remain holy for your work and not for the dishonorable work of others or myself. May I follow those how call on you from a pure heart. May I discipline myself and not simply follow the passions of my flesh but may I pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace.

Please give me the wisdom and insight to avoid foolish controversies that distract and hinder your work. Help me not to engage in them myself and help me to keep others from doing the same.

O God help me to be kind and patient, not someone who fights or causes quarrels. May I be someone who represents you well and brings those who have strayed back to you through my words and conduct. May I be used by you to save others from the power of the Devil and his plans. Amen.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Praying Through the Pastorals: 2 Timothy 1

2 Timothy Chapter One: a prayer

Thank You Lord for faithful parents who taught me about you, both by their words and the way that they lived. May I continue on and even build on this legacy of faith. Please help me to demonstrate the Spirit that you have given me, one of power, love, and self-control.

Help me to not be ashamed of the gospel or to the calling that you called me to. May my works be because of the grace you have given, remembering Jesus the Messiah and his work. May I follow the wisdom and truth of your word and of those who have gone before me. Help me to pattern my life after them by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives as a deposit within me. Thank you for faithful servants who continue on in the hard times. Please bless them with a special blessing, today and on that final day. Amen