Monday, March 14, 2011

It’s not too late…yet.

I have to admit that eschatology (the study of last things) is not my strong suit. Whether you are pre-trib, post trib, mid trib, dispensational or amillennial, you’ve got holes in your argument. However, this should not discourage us from looking at scripture and taking what it says about end times. It was, and will be, a big deal to Jesus and should be for us as well. Here Jesus warns that the kingdom is not going to come like the religious leaders expect. He is not going to blast through the Romans and set them up (the religious leaders) as his right hand men. They are going to be sorely disappointed and will crucify Him, in part, because of their unrealized expectations.
                Jesus transitions to His disciples and lets them know that there will come a time that He will come in cataclysmic fashion but some other things need to happen first including His rejection. HE warns them about confusion that may follow regarding “Jesus sightings” and other rumors about His coming, it’s going to be obvious. It also will be too late if you are not already ready. Jesus has already urgently expressed to need to be preparing for the kingdom now while you can and He continues this theme here. Get ready now because you will not get a second chance. Some 2000 years later we might be tempted to be complacent but we need to be as ready as ever, preparing ourselves and others for the coming of the King. Are you ready? How will you get ready? How will you help others get ready? When He comes, it will be too late…
Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New TestamentsBasic Guide to Eschatology, A: Making Sense of the Millennium 

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