Thursday, March 10, 2011

Use yo skillz 2 pay God’s billz

Today’s passage is a tough one because even scholars disagree as to what exactly Jesus is driving at with the dishonest manager in this parable. However, there are at least a few things I believe we can draw from this, which Jesus talks about right after. Frist of all, we need to use what God has given us for His purposes. That’s right you might think that you’ve earned it or you deserve it but guess what, you don’t, it’s only by God’s grace that you have been able to work for or receive what you have. It is His and he expects you to not only use it for Him but to do so in a wise and shrewd manner. Even if you only have a little bit, use it strategically for Jesus and His kingdom not for yourself and your “kingdom”. We get so easily caught up with the things that we have or the pursuit of those things that we end up doing so very little for Jesus or even factoring Him into the equation.
Jesus doesn’t just want us investing in His kingdom. He wants us to do it well. Too many Christians think that if they drop a check in the offering plate they are doing their duty, but Jesus wants more than that. He wants you to be smart about where the money goes and how it’s being used. How well is it being used to build the kingdom? Even things like your own home, or cars, or vacations, how are they being used strategically to help build the kingdom? God has given you these things, whatever they might be in your life, to use toward strategically building the kingdom. So how are you going to re-strategize, partner, plan, work toward etc. so that you can not just be generous but be so as effectively as you possibly can for Jesus. If we follow Jesus, this is what He expects, and He doesn’t get lost. 
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless GodRadical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of GodThe Radical Question: What Is Jesus Worth to You? [Paperback] 

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