Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don’t just pretend like you're all that, Jesus knows and cares for all.

Luke 12:1-15

Playing a little catch up here but here is yesterday's QT.

Going straight from his "woes" to the Pharisees and Lawyers Jesus continues to talk about the heart. One day the secrets of men will be revealed and Jesus says that the Pharisees will be exposed to be hypocrites. We too need to worship and live for God from the heart. This doesn't mean that we only live for God when we feel like it, but it does mean that we live for Him with right motives, not for self-promoting or dishonest ones. Jesus knows it all, even the hairs on our heads and we will all, believers or non-believes stand before Him and be judged. Some to heaven and others to hell.

We should trust God and be guided by the Holy Spirit. When we reject Him and live our own way, trusting in others, our wealth or ourselves, we will not be forgiven. God is enough and should be in first position always in our lives. No security in this life will be enough to protect you in the next. We should all be living now for the next. It the best and most secure investment of all time. We can trust Jesus when he says this, because He doesn't get lost.

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