Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Afterlife are You Living For?

Luke 20:27-38
     When I was younger I used to think that when I went to heaven I would have this huge house with everything I could ever want. It would have all the food that I liked, there would be a big swimming pool and a basketball court and all kinds of other stuff. Part of the problem with this kind of thinking is that I thought that heaven was going to be all about me, when in reality it is going to be all about God. For those of us who are raised to life, the new heaven and new earth will be places of enjoyment, enjoying the presence of God and giving Him glory.
     In this passage, Jesus enlightens the Sadducees about some of the aspects of the afterlife that are going to be different than they expect. This Jewish group didn't believe that there would be a resurrection from the dead and tried to catch Jesus in a logical dead end. If a woman had 7 husbands in this life who's would she be in the next? Jesus first tells them that they shouldn't assume that they will make it to the resurrection of life, and that if they do, marriage is no longer going to be a concern. They will be living only for God and no one else.
     We certainly can enjoy relationships such as the kind that a marriage provides in this life but shouldn't God sill have first priority and first position in our lives even this side of heaven? Are you sure that when you die you will be a part of those who are raised to life to live with Jesus? If we follow Jesus in this life, we will follow Him in the next. As we have seen, following Him is not always easy but we must trust Him, trust His death and resurrection for our sins, trust that wherever He goes, He isn't lost.
Jesus: Dead or Alive?: Evidence for the Resurrection Teen Edition 

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