Friday, March 25, 2011

You have a "Zombie Survival Plan", but do You Have a "Jesus Is Coming Back Plan"?

Luke 21:20-38  
     Oi! How does it all fit together? I'll be honest, I don't think I know exactly and many who say they do don't really know either. We do know that Jerusalem was sieged by the Romans in 70 AD and Jesus is probably at least prophesying about this event. He seems to continue on to other events that happen later however when He will ultimately return like the Son of Man (see Daniel 7). Some theologians call this "telescoping" because in the same discourse we see Jesus prophesying about something close and then something further away.
     Jesus wanted His original audience and us to be ready when things go down. In order to do so we need to be looking around and paying attention as well as getting ready. Just like many of you might have a Zombie Survival Plan, you need to have a Jesus is going to come back Apocalypse plan. You don't want to not be ready, that would be bad, worse than a zombie apocalypse. So get ready now. Don't know how? Follow Jesus, you will definitely need Him in your survival plan, He'll get you ready. Just remember, following Him isn't always easy but you can be sure that He is never lost.
Basic Guide to Eschatology, A: Making Sense of the MillenniumThe Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead


  1. I'm ready! Bring it on!! Praise God! It's time the adversary be put in his place, dontcha agree? Thank You, LORD!

  2. HaHa. Ya, I agree. But while we wait I'm going to try and do what I can to get myself and others ready for His return.
