Ezekiel 1:15-28
What in the world is going on here? I imagine that Ezekiel might be thinking this himself as he sees this psychedelic vision. We might wonder how to piece together what this vision looks like that he is describing but we should not miss the point of what he is describing. The God of Israel, the Covenant God of Israel is the God of the universe, the God who has created everything, the God that is the one true and all powerful God. This God cannot be thwarted by Babylon or any other earthly kingdom, nation or empire.
Ezekiel will be compelled to take this God seriously and to serve Him fearfully. Yes this God has shown tremendous mercy, love and patience to the people of Israel but He is also just and powerful. He judges the disobedient and calls all to repentance. This should be a warning but also encouraging to us. The awesome, all powerful God of the universe loves us and cares about us but He also expects obedience from us. Will you take Him seriously? Will you take His word seriously? What steps to you need to take to do so?
Ezekiel will be compelled to take this God seriously and to serve Him fearfully. Yes this God has shown tremendous mercy, love and patience to the people of Israel but He is also just and powerful. He judges the disobedient and calls all to repentance. This should be a warning but also encouraging to us. The awesome, all powerful God of the universe loves us and cares about us but He also expects obedience from us. Will you take Him seriously? Will you take His word seriously? What steps to you need to take to do so?