Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our God is more powerful and amazing than we think.

Ezekiel 1:1-14
Giving a "first take" on passages as we go through the book of Ezekiel is not going to be nearly as easy as going through the Gospel of Luke. Today we are looking at the beginning of the commissioning of Ezekiel for his ministry. We learn that he is already in exile, taken captive and forced to leave Jerusalem along with the former king Jahoiachin. As you might imagine these were pretty depressing times for the people of Israel. So where will they go as a people from here? Ezekiel will have a message of repentance which they will need to respond to. Will they finally repent or will they choose to live a life without the God of the universe?
     Despite the apparent hopelessness of their situation, these first few verses begin to describe the amazing power and glory that their God has. They have not been exiled because their God is week or incapable of helping. Their God is anything but these things. Ezekiel begins to see some of the true power of his God that will help motivate the message that he will bring to the people. How powerful to you believe your God is? Do you believe that He is larger than your circumstances? Do you believe He is in control? How might that belief affect the way you act or react to the things going on in your life? How can you evidence trust in an almighty, all powerful God?
The Bible Knowledge Commentary; an Exposition of the Scriptures By Dallas Seminary Faculty, 2-volume Set, New and Old Testaments

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