You thought Our Country Was Screwed Up?
Traditionally I thought of the book of 1st Samuel
as a positive portrayal of the People of Israel coming back to God after the
dismal and dark period of the Judges. That’s what I used to think. Thanks to
Dr. Jerry Vreeland and his book “The Darker Side of Samuel, Saul and David”, I
can’t help but see some of the deep flaws even in the best of human leadership.
I am admittedly covering all of chapter 4 today partially because I just want
to get past some of this depressing stuff, however, rest assured, there will be
more to come. At any rate, on this happy note, let’s take a look!
God doesn’t like it when you try and use Him as a piƱata or
a lucky charm. You can’t hit Him with a stick and expect goodies to come out. It
sounds ridiculous when put this way but how often do we thing we can manipulate
God by being good, praying, or making some kind of sacrifice. We should do
these things, God wants us to, but we need to be careful about what we think we
are going to get in return. Israel makes this mistake here and it goes very bad
for them. They think that if they take the Ark of the Covenant out to battle,
that God will give them the victory, as if it’s some kind of a magic spell.
Remember who the spiritual leadership is at this time, Eli’s
sons Tweedle Dim and Tweedle Dimmer. The
unrighteous leaders and followers think that God will be obligated to give them
victory in battle if they bring out this most sacred of religious artifacts.
They are fatally mistaken and finally get what they deserve, death. Unfortunately,
the entire nation suffers for their greed, arrogance and ineptitude. The battle
is lost, the Ark is taken. We even get a depressing story about the wife of one
of Eli’s sons giving birth following the news of her husband’s death and
actually naming her son “the glory has departed from Israel” (Ichabod). Oh ya,
when Eli hears the news of the rout and loss of the Ark he falls over and
crushes his neck from his obese body. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Do you feel better?
Lesson: God wants us to seek him in our distress. He also
wants us to seek His glory in our lives. We need to be careful that we don’tsimply use Christianity as a means to have a good family, a nice life, or someother means of blessing. If we do so we will be greatly disappointed when our
kids don’t turn out, we get cancer, our 401k goes south etc. We need to give
God glory in the good and the bad times. We need to choose to honor and obey
him whether our lives are physically good or bad.
“God I will serve you, if you will do this” or “If I go to
church, give money, serve at the food bank, then God will give me a good
wife/husband, obedient children, and comfortable house, etc.” So what happens
if you serve God and you never get these things or they go bad? Check your
heart. Make sure you are serving God for the right reasons.