just have to love ancient Semitic women who choose to live for God. At the end
of chapter one Hannah does the hard, but right, thing and gives Samuel over to
the priests at the Tabernacle as she had promised God. I can’t even imagine
what giving up your only child would feel like. So what does she do? She
praises God for the amazing blessing that He has given her. In her song to the
Lord we see the major themes of the book come alive. Verse 4 sums it up
“The bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble bind on
strength.” (ESV)
helps those who recognize their state without Him and who seek His strength for
their lives. He is going to continue to help those who are ready and willing to
be used. We will also see others who should have everything they need, status,
physical giftedness, position etc. who fail because they trust in themselves or
others instead of God.
Lesson: We need to remember to praise God for the good He
does in our lives. Too often we are quick to come go God with requests but when
He answers them, we move on to the next with very little intentional gratitude.
Let’s be intentional in praising God for the specific things He is doing and
has done in our lives!
Interesting side note: When you read this song did you
notice how Hannah seems to take the opportunity here to kind of dis her rival
wife Peninah who had been teasing her? I wonder how well a Chris Tomlin song
would go over if he put down certain people right in the middle of the song and
gave God credit for it?
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