Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Have an Epic Relationship

How to Have an Epic Relationship

Jonathan, Saul’s son, has had amazing victory in battle because of his reliance and confidence in the power of his God. He has just seen David do the very same with his display against Goliath and the two become instant friends. The text even says that “the soul of Jonathan was kit to the soul of David and he loved him as his own soul” (vss. 1 & 3). Such devotion to one’s God was probably rare to see and inspired a connection between the two beyond any normal friendship.
This friendship is tangibly described in this passage by Jonathan giving David his personal armor, sward, bow, and even his belt! Later Jonathan’s friendship will be proven when he cares more for honoring God and for David than for his own claim to the kingdom. David too will later honor Jonathan’s family by protecting them despite personal risk to himself. Both are mighty warriors, both put their God above all else, this is the recipe for an epic friendship.

All of us long to have meaningful relationships and in this section we see two men who build an epic friendship on their passion for their God. We too need to make God the foundation of our relationships whether friends, family members or spouses. The most epic relationships will be those where all involved share this commitment and passion. Of course, we can still have relationships with those who don’t share this commitment, but these will never be as good as they could be otherwise.
So, what do you look for in a friendship? Think about why you have the friends you do. What is most important to you about that person? Where does the glory of God factor in? if we are seeking personal gain or any other think above God then those relationships will never be what God intends and therefore never as good as he or we would like them to be. We need to put ourselves aside and strive to put God first in our relationships. Just see how epic your relationships can be with God at the front and center.

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