Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are you lost or delusional?

Jesus goes where there are people who know they need Him. These people know that they cannot get to God on their own. They know that they have fallen far short. The religious leaders have told them so and treated them as such. Some are sick, others hurting, outcasts or just plain sinners, but all need Jesus and Jesus goes to them, heals them, forgives their sin when they believe Him and repent.
Others in this passage don’t need Jesus, or at least don’t think they do. They don’t believe they are sick, or outcasts, or sinners in need of someone to lead them to God. They think they can get there on their own, on their own terms with their own rules. They are truly devoted, but that devotion has made them proud and self-sufficient, not dependent on their God, not recognizing their need to be made right with God.  They think they’ve got that covered. They are not “lost”.
Jesus helps the lost and in need and heals and leads them where they need to go. So who are you? Are you lost or do you think you can handle life on your own? Perhaps you follow Jesus for a while but then go your own way when you think you have a better way, or when things get comfortable for you, when you no longer think that you are lost or in need of Jesus. We all fight the urge to be self-sufficient, independent, right in our own eyes. The truth is that we are all lost without Jesus, when we stop following Him we get lost and need to come back to Him. Weather we come to Jesus for the first time and come back to Him after foolishly trying to find our own way, we all need to follow Jesus. Jesus isn’t lost, we can trust that He knows the way, the only way. Jesus doesn’t get Lost.

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