Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jesus is a Rock Star...until He changes the tune.

Luke 19:45-20:8
     If Jesus wasn't a rock star before, He certainly is now. As He teaches in the temple people are hanging on every word. He has come in like a king and people are anticipating that He is about to do something great and powerful. They want to get in on the ground floor and be part of His great empire. The religious leaders are wary of Him. On the one hand if He doesn't succeed in overthrowing the Romans then there will be hell to pay, on the other they do not want to give up their power and position to this upstart who makes them look foolish. They want to bring Him down but He is too popular, for now.
     Even though popular, Jesus is asking for trouble. He messes up the system that the religious leaders have put in place in the temple for swindling people and He embarrasses them in front of a crowd. The crowd loves it for now, but how long will they wait? How long will you wait? How long does it take before you decide the following Jesus isn't worth it? What "excursions" do you take that you think wont really be harmful? What truth do you choose to ignore for the sake of convenience? Jesus doesn't get lost, whether He looks like a rock star or a fool on a cross. He is always in the right place at the right time. Will you keep following?
Luke (The NIV Application Commentary)Luke: An Introduction and Commentary

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